AKB48 Group CIRCLE JAM 2023 Report [EN]
AKB48, BNK48, and CGM48 had come together for the “AKB48 Group CIRCLE AM 2023” at CentralWorld LIVE, Bangkok, Thailand on the 4th of February.
The concept of this event was to bring together members and fans of AKB48 and its overseas sister groups in the same city, at the same venue, and on the same stage for diversity and cultural exchange. This is the first time that AKB48 and their overseas sister groups have gathered in Bangkok since “AKB48 Group Asia Festival 2019 in BANGKOK” back in 2019.
Pupe, who graduated from BNK48 last year, served as the content producer, responsible for Part 1 of the show, which started at 13:00, each of the members had chosen the theme one being cute for pupe, which starts at 18:00, “Cool,” with each member selected for the image of the theme.
The first part, “Cute,” opened with AKB48’s latest single, “Hisashiburino Lip Gross”
With AKB48, BNK48, and CGM48 all performing their original versions, complete with the Thai language, they had given their best performance.

The highlight of the second part, “Cool,” was “Nemohamo Rumour” which AKB48, BNK48, and CGM48 performed a full version of the song with strong performances. Cool” was expressed.

The “TikTok Challenge Selected Members” for this year’s event was another successful event. The five members were decided by, fan votes, as usual, JKT48 Muthe, BNK48 Yoghurt, BNK48 Ratah, AKB48 Team TP Wang Yi-Chia and AKB48 Team TP Lin Yu-Hsin were the members who got to perform “Hashire! Penguin. The second part was a rousing rendition of “Oogoe Diamond” both sang with passion.

A total of 54 members completed a total of 41 songs in the first and second parts. The last song of both performances was “Believers,” BNK48’s 12th single, written by Nana Okada of AKB48 and choreographed by Yuiri Murayama, a collaboration between the groups. The song was also used as the theme song for the event. A version with Japanese lyrics was performed at the event.

Mion Mukaichi said, “I am so happy to finally meet my fans like this. Khob khun mark Ka! (Thank you very much!)” (Thank you very much!)” and vowed to meet again.

◆AKB48 Group CIRCLE JAM 2023Setlist, Member List
1st Round “Cute”
・AKB48:Sato Airi, Oda Erina, Mukaichi Mion, Shitao Miu, Yamauchi Mizuki, Kuranoo Narumi, Mogi Shinobu, Murayama Yuiri
・BNK48 : Cherprang, Miori, Wee, Fond, Paeyah, Hoop, Gygee, New, Pancake, Pampam, Satchan, Stang, Yoghurt, Janry, L, Marine
・CGM48: Kaning, Champoo, Marmink, Aom, Punch, Angel, Twobam, Jingjing
・TikTok Senbatsu: JKT48 Muthe, BNK48:Yoghurt, Ratah, Wang Yi-Chia(AKB48 Team TP), Lin Yu-Hsin(AKB48 Team TP)
# | Title | lyrics | Member |
M00 | Overture *BNK48 ver. | ||
M01 | Hisashiburi no Lip gloss (久しぶりのリップグロス) | JP | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M02 | Yobisute Fantasy (呼び捨てファンタジー) | TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M03 | 12 Byou (12秒) | TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M04 | Kibouteki Refrain (希望的リフレイン) | JP/TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M05 | Hashire ! Penguin (走れ!ペンギン) | TH/IN/CH | TikTok Challenge Senbatsu member |
M06 | Hoshizora wo Kimi ni (星空を君に) | JP/TH | AKB48:Oda, Murayama / BNK48:Hoop, Marine CGM48:Punch, Angel |
M07 | Idol Nante Yobanaide (アイドルなんて呼ばないで) | JP/TH | AKB48:Mogi / BNK48:Wee, Paeyah / CGM48:Marmink |
M08 | Hatsukoi Dorobou (初恋泥棒) | TH | BNK48:Gygee, New, Stang |
M09 | Saikyou Twintail (最強ツインテール) | JP/TH | AKB48:Kuranoo, Mukaichi, Yamauchi / BNK48:Satchan, Yoghurt, Pampam |
M10 | Kimi dake ni Chu! Chu! Chu! (君だけにChu ! Chu ! Chu !) | JP/TH | AKB48:Sato / BNK48:Pancake, Janry, L / CGM48:Jingjing, Champoo, Twobam |
M11 | Zipper (ジッパー) | JP/TH | AKB48:Sitao/ BNK48:Fond / CGM48:Aom |
M12 | Candy (キャンディー) | TH | BNK48:Cherprang, Miori / CGM48:Kaning |
M13 | Kanojo ni Naremasu ka (彼女になれますか?) | JP | AKB48 ALL |
M14 | Onegai Valentine (お願いヴァレンティヌ) | TH | CGM48 ALL |
M15 | Inseki no Kakuritsu (隕石の確率) | TH | BNK48 ALL |
M16 | Believers | JP/TH | ALL |
EN01 | โดดดิด่ง(Dode-Di-Dong /ドーディドン) | TH | ALL |
EN02 | Kimi no Koto ga Suki Dakara (君のことが好きだから) | TH | ALL |
EN03 | Only Today | JP | ALL |
EN04 | Hikoukigumo (ひこうき雲) | JP | ALL |
2nd Round “Cool”
・AKB48: Sato Airi, Oda Erina, Mukaichi Mion, SHitao Miu, Yamauchi Mizuki, Kuranoo Narumi, Mogi Shinobu, Murayama Yuiri
・BNK48: Cherprang, Miori, Wee, Fond, Paeyah, Hoop, Niky, Minmin, Fame, Popper, Myyu, Mean, Monet, Patt, Nene, Palmmy
・CGM48: Izurina、Pim、Fortune、Sita、Kaiwan、Nenie、Ping、Lookked
・TikTok Senbatsu: JKT48 Muthe, BNK48:Yoghurt, Ratah, Wang Yi-Chia(AKB48 Team TP), Lin Yu-Hsin(AKB48 Team TP)
# | Title | lyrics | Member |
M00 | Overture *BNK48 ver. | ||
M01 | Hisashiburi no Lip Gloss (久しぶりのリップグロス) | JP | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M02 | Yobisute Fantasy(呼び捨てファンタジー) | TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M03 | 12 Byou (12秒) | TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M04 | Nemo hamo Rumor (根も葉もRumor) | JP/TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
M05 | Oogoe Diamond (大声ダイヤモンド) | TH/IN/CH | TikTok Challenge Senbatsu member |
M06 | Hachinosu Dance (蜂の巣ダンス) | JP/TH | AKB48: Kuranoo, Yamauchi / BNK48:Niky, Mone, Mean / CGM48:Pim |
M07 | Hitsuzensei (必然性) | JP/TH | AKB48: Sato, Shitao / BNK48:Hoop, Paeyah, Fame, Patt |
M08 | Return match (リターンマッチ) | TH | BNK48:Wee, Fond / CGM48: Fortune, Nenie |
M09 | Ame no Pianist (雨のピアニスト) | JP/TH | AKB48:Oda / BNK48: Minmin, Myyu |
M10 | Arashi no Yoru Ni Wa (嵐の夜には) | TH | BNK48:Nene / CGM48:Lookked, Ping, Kaiwan |
M11 | Namida no hyomen Choryoku (涙の表面張力) | JP | AKB48:Mukaichi, Mogi / BNK48:Miori / CGM48:Rina |
M12 | Kiss wa Dame yo (キスはダメよ) | TH | BNK48:Popper, Palmmy / CGM48:Sita |
M13 | Oshibe to Meshibe to Yoru no Chou Chou(おしべとめしべと夜の蝶々) | JP/TH | AKB48:Murayama / BNK48:Cherprang |
M14 | Maeshika mukanee 前しか向かねえ | TH | CGM48 ALL |
M15 | Motokare Desu 元カレです | JP | AKB48 ALL |
M16 | Make Noise | TH | BNK48 ALL |
M17 | Believers | JP/TH | AKB48/BNK48/CGM48 ALL |
EN01 | ดีอะ (D.AAA ディーア) | TH | ALL |
EN02 | Shoujotachi yo (少女たちよ) | TH | ALL |
EN03 | Juuryoku Sympathy (重力シンパシー) | JP | ALL |
EN04 | Melon Juice (メロンジュース) | JP | ALL |
◆AKB48 Group CIRCLE JAM 2023
Date: February, 4, 2023 1st Round start at 13.00 / 2nd Round start at 18.00
Venue: centralwOrld LIVE(Bangkok)
Event Official Site : https://akb48circlejam.com/
AKB48 Group Circle Jam Official Youtube Channel:
TikTok「AKB48 Group Asia」:
Organized by Vernalossom Co., Ltd.